Coming Soon...
Creative Exchange 2023
Theme: Reflect, Rethink, Rejuvenate!
Dates: 28th - 30th April 2023
Location: Grand Vatika Resort, Arambol, Goa
What to look out for?
- Exploring supervision with experts from the field
- Networking with different Creative Arts Therapists
- Advanced experiential sessions by Allied Professionals
- Learning and sharing innovative ideas
- Group sharing amidst nature
Session Offerings:
- Embodied Revelations - Guided exploration through a somatic medium
- Self-identity and Belonging in a Creative Community - Exploring personal, professional & collective journeys
- Authentic Movement - A deep dive into the self and other
- Connecting with Nature - An exciting session on the beach
- Exploring CATs in supervision - The use of creative arts in supervisory spaces
- Music Therapy - Experiential group improvisation
Session Document: - Click Here.
For Queries Only: [email protected]