CMTAI Donation

Support CMTAI

Contributions to the CMTAI make a significant difference in the ongoing research effort to ensure continuation of publications, education, research, and training necessary to inform the public of the benefits of dance/movement therapy and ensure access to quality services. Thank you for choosing to support the CMTAI!

As a non-profit organization, CMTAI is grateful to the organizations who demonstrate their commitment to the field of dance/movement therapy through support of our organization.

CMTAI thanks the leadership of organizations/individuals for their support.

CMTAI is a 80g organization. Contributions to CMTAI are exempt under section 80G of Income Tax Act 1961. Exempted u/s 80G(5)(vi) extended in perpetuity vide NQ.CIT(E)/2017-18/DEL-CE28091-26092017/9114 dated 26/09/2017.